#To run this file, please go to terminal under //scripts then run the following command. # sh lokalise.sh LOKALISE_TOKEN=$1 mkdir -p "../temp" #Download localised value as per the Android supported format # --format xml : download in xml formats #--bundle-structure "values-%LANG_ISO%/strings.xml : Downloads folder as per Android format, for example: values-it-rIT #--original-filenames=false : Get Localised strings in a single file "strings.xml" #--filter-data translated : Get only translated strings, if it is not transalted then it will refer to the default English #--dest ../temp : Destination folder #--unzip-to ../temp/locales : Unzip to this folder lokalise2 --token "$LOKALISE_TOKEN" --project-id 961497065ee6ad1e440843.11368444 file download --format xml --bundle-structure "values-%LANG_ISO%/strings.xml" --original-filenames=false --filter-data translated --dest ../temp --unzip-to ../temp/locales #It will replace only the strings.xml in each directory cp -Rv "../temp/locales/" "../app/src/main/res/" rm -r ../temp