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2020-12-19 05:13:44 +00:00
// BLEDatabase.swift
// Copyright 2020 VMware, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
/// Registry for collating fragments of information from asynchronous BLE operations.
protocol BLEDatabase {
/// Add delegate for handling database events
func add(delegate: BLEDatabaseDelegate)
/// Get or create device for collating information from asynchronous BLE operations.
func device(_ identifier: TargetIdentifier) -> BLEDevice
/// Get or create device for collating information from asynchronous BLE operations.
func device(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, delegate: CBPeripheralDelegate) -> BLEDevice
/// Get or create device for collating information from asynchronous BLE operations.
func device(_ payload: PayloadData) -> BLEDevice
/// Get if a device exists
func hasDevice(_ payload: PayloadData) -> Bool
/// Get all devices
func devices() -> [BLEDevice]
/// Delete device from database
func delete(_ identifier: TargetIdentifier)
/// Delegate for receiving registry create/update/delete events
protocol BLEDatabaseDelegate {
func bleDatabase(didCreate device: BLEDevice)
func bleDatabase(didUpdate device: BLEDevice, attribute: BLEDeviceAttribute)
func bleDatabase(didDelete device: BLEDevice)
extension BLEDatabaseDelegate {
func bleDatabase(didCreate device: BLEDevice) {}
func bleDatabase(didUpdate device: BLEDevice, attribute: BLEDeviceAttribute) {}
func bleDatabase(didDelete device: BLEDevice) {}
class ConcreteBLEDatabase : NSObject, BLEDatabase, BLEDeviceDelegate {
private let logger = ConcreteSensorLogger(subsystem: "Sensor", category: "BLE.ConcreteBLEDatabase")
private var delegates: [BLEDatabaseDelegate] = []
private var database: [TargetIdentifier : BLEDevice] = [:]
private var queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Sensor.BLE.ConcreteBLEDatabase")
func add(delegate: BLEDatabaseDelegate) {
func devices() -> [BLEDevice] {
return { $0 }
func device(_ identifier: TargetIdentifier) -> BLEDevice {
if database[identifier] == nil {
let device = BLEDevice(identifier, delegate: self)
database[identifier] = device
queue.async {
self.logger.debug("create (device=\(identifier))")
self.delegates.forEach { $0.bleDatabase(didCreate: device) }
let device = database[identifier]!
return device
func device(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, delegate: CBPeripheralDelegate) -> BLEDevice {
let identifier = TargetIdentifier(peripheral: peripheral)
if database[identifier] == nil {
let device = BLEDevice(identifier, delegate: self)
database[identifier] = device
queue.async {
self.logger.debug("create (device=\(identifier))")
self.delegates.forEach { $0.bleDatabase(didCreate: device) }
let device = database[identifier]!
if device.peripheral != peripheral {
device.peripheral = peripheral
peripheral.delegate = delegate
return device
func device(_ payload: PayloadData) -> BLEDevice {
if let device = database.values.filter({ $0.payloadData == payload }).first {
return device
// Create temporary UUID, the taskRemoveDuplicatePeripherals function
// will delete this when a direct connection to the peripheral has been
// established
let identifier = TargetIdentifier(UUID().uuidString)
let placeholder = device(identifier)
placeholder.payloadData = payload
return placeholder
func hasDevice(_ payload: PayloadData) -> Bool {
if database.values.filter({ $0.payloadData == payload }).first != nil {
return true
return false
func delete(_ identifier: TargetIdentifier) {
guard let device = database[identifier] else {
database[identifier] = nil
queue.async {
self.logger.debug("delete (device=\(identifier))")
self.delegates.forEach { $0.bleDatabase(didDelete: device) }
// MARK:- BLEDeviceDelegate
func device(_ device: BLEDevice, didUpdate attribute: BLEDeviceAttribute) {
queue.async {
self.logger.debug("update (device=\(device.identifier),attribute=\(attribute.rawValue))")
self.delegates.forEach { $0.bleDatabase(didUpdate: device, attribute: attribute) }
// MARK:- BLEDatabase data
public class BLEDevice : NSObject {
/// Device registratiion timestamp
let createdAt: Date
/// Last time anything changed, e.g. attribute update
var lastUpdatedAt: Date
/// Last time a wake up call was received from this device (iOS only)
var lastNotifiedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Ephemeral device identifier, e.g. peripheral identifier UUID
let identifier: TargetIdentifier
/// Pseudo device address for tracking devices that change device identifier constantly like the Samsung A10, A20 and Note 8
var pseudoDeviceAddress: BLEPseudoDeviceAddress? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
/// Delegate for listening to attribute updates events.
let delegate: BLEDeviceDelegate
/// CoreBluetooth peripheral object for interacting with this device.
var peripheral: CBPeripheral? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .peripheral)
/// Service characteristic for signalling between BLE devices, e.g. to keep awake
var signalCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .signalCharacteristic)
/// Service characteristic for reading payload data
var payloadCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .payloadCharacteristic)
var legacyPayloadCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .payloadCharacteristic)
/// Device operating system, this is necessary for selecting different interaction procedures for each platform.
var operatingSystem: BLEDeviceOperatingSystem = .unknown {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .operatingSystem)
/// Device is receive only, this is necessary for filtering payload sharing data
var receiveOnly: Bool = false {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
/// Payload data acquired from the device via payloadCharacteristic read
var payloadData: PayloadData? {
didSet {
payloadDataLastUpdatedAt = Date()
lastUpdatedAt = payloadDataLastUpdatedAt
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .payloadData)
/// Payload data last update timestamp, this is used to determine what needs to be shared with peers.
var payloadDataLastUpdatedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Payload data already shared with this peer
var payloadSharingData: [PayloadData] = []
/// Most recent RSSI measurement taken by readRSSI or didDiscover.
var rssi: BLE_RSSI? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
rssiLastUpdatedAt = lastUpdatedAt
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .rssi)
/// RSSI last update timestamp, this is used to track last advertised at without relying on didDiscover
var rssiLastUpdatedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Transmit power data where available (only provided by Android devices)
var txPower: BLE_TxPower? {
didSet {
lastUpdatedAt = Date()
delegate.device(self, didUpdate: .txPower)
/// Track discovered at timestamp, used by taskConnect to prioritise connection when device runs out of concurrent connection capacity
var lastDiscoveredAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Track connect request at timestamp, used by taskConnect to prioritise connection when device runs out of concurrent connection capacity
var lastConnectRequestedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Track connected at timestamp, used by taskConnect to prioritise connection when device runs out of concurrent connection capacity
var lastConnectedAt: Date? {
didSet {
// Reset lastDisconnectedAt
lastDisconnectedAt = nil
// Reset lastConnectionInitiationAttempt
lastConnectionInitiationAttempt = nil
/// Track read payload request at timestamp, used by readPayload to de-duplicate requests from asynchronous calls
var lastReadPayloadRequestedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Track Herald initiated connection attempts - workaround for iOS peripheral caching incorrect state bug
var lastConnectionInitiationAttempt: Date?
/// Track disconnected at timestamp, used by taskConnect to prioritise connection when device runs out of concurrent connection capacity
var lastDisconnectedAt: Date? {
didSet {
// Reset lastConnectionInitiationAttempt
lastConnectionInitiationAttempt = nil
/// Last advert timestamp, inferred from payloadDataLastUpdatedAt, payloadSharingDataLastUpdatedAt, rssiLastUpdatedAt
var lastAdvertAt: Date { get {
max(createdAt, lastDiscoveredAt, payloadDataLastUpdatedAt, rssiLastUpdatedAt)
/// Time interval since last payload data update, this is used to identify devices that require a payload update.
var timeIntervalSinceLastPayloadDataUpdate: TimeInterval { get {
/// Time interval since created at timestamp
var timeIntervalSinceCreated: TimeInterval { get {
/// Time interval since last attribute value update, this is used to identify devices that may have expired and should be removed from the database.
var timeIntervalSinceLastUpdate: TimeInterval { get {
/// Time interval since last advert detected, this is used to detect concurrent connection quota and prioritise disconnections
var timeIntervalSinceLastAdvert: TimeInterval { get {
/// Time interval between last connection request, this is used to priortise disconnections
var timeIntervalSinceLastConnectRequestedAt: TimeInterval { get {
/// Time interval between last connected at and last advert, this is used to estimate last period of continuous tracking, to priortise disconnections
var timeIntervalSinceLastDisconnectedAt: TimeInterval { get {
guard let lastDisconnectedAt = lastDisconnectedAt else {
return Date().timeIntervalSince(createdAt)
return Date().timeIntervalSince(lastDisconnectedAt)
/// Time interval between last connected at and last advert, this is used to estimate last period of continuous tracking, to priortise disconnections
var timeIntervalBetweenLastConnectedAndLastAdvert: TimeInterval { get {
guard let lastConnectedAt = lastConnectedAt, lastAdvertAt > lastConnectedAt else {
return TimeInterval(0)
return lastAdvertAt.timeIntervalSince(lastConnectedAt)
public override var description: String { get {
return "BLEDevice[id=\(identifier),os=\(operatingSystem.rawValue),payload=\(payloadData?.shortName ?? "nil"),address=\(pseudoDeviceAddress?.data.base64EncodedString() ?? "nil")]"
init(_ identifier: TargetIdentifier, delegate: BLEDeviceDelegate) {
self.createdAt = Date()
self.identifier = identifier
self.delegate = delegate
lastUpdatedAt = createdAt
protocol BLEDeviceDelegate {
func device(_ device: BLEDevice, didUpdate attribute: BLEDeviceAttribute)
enum BLEDeviceAttribute : String {
case peripheral, signalCharacteristic, payloadCharacteristic, payloadSharingCharacteristic, operatingSystem, payloadData, rssi, txPower
enum BLEDeviceOperatingSystem : String {
case android, ios, restored, unknown, shared
/// RSSI in dBm.
typealias BLE_RSSI = Int
typealias BLE_TxPower = Int
class BLEPseudoDeviceAddress {
let address: Int
let data: Data
var description: String { get {
return "BLEPseudoDeviceAddress(address=\(address),data=\(data.base64EncodedString()))"
init?(fromAdvertisementData: [String: Any]) {
guard let manufacturerData = fromAdvertisementData["kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"] as? Data else {
return nil
guard let manufacturerId = manufacturerData.uint16(0), manufacturerId == BLESensorConfiguration.manufacturerIdForSensor else {
return nil
guard manufacturerData.count == 8 else {
return nil
data = Data(manufacturerData.subdata(in: 2..<8))
var longValueData = Data(repeating: 0, count: 2)
guard let longValue = longValueData.int64(0) else {
return nil
address = Int(longValue)