/* Localizable.strings CovidSafe Copyright © 2020 Australian Government. All rights reserved. */ //Global "OK" = "OK"; // OTP View Controller "EnterPINSent" = "Enter the PIN sent to %@"; "PINWillExpire" = "Your PIN will expire in %@"; "CodeHasExpired" = "Your code has expired."; "InvalidOTP" = "Must be a 6-digit code"; "WrongOTP" = "Wrong PIN entered"; "IsThisNumberWrong" = "Is this mobile number wrong?"; "ResendPin" = "Resend PIN"; "ReceivePinIssue" = "Issues receiving your PIN?"; "PhoneVerificationErrorTitle" = "Error verifying phone number"; "PhoneVerificationErrorMessage" = "Please check your details and try again."; "PhoneNumberFormatErrorTitle" = "Wrong number format"; "PhoneNumberFormatErrorMessage" = "Please enter a mobile phone number."; //Phone Number View Controller "EnterPhoneReVerify" = "Enter your mobile number to re-verify"; "AusPhoneNumberButton" = "Use an Australian phone number"; // Home View Controller "PairingRequestsInfo" = "COVIDSafe does not send pairing requests."; "PairingRequestsInfoUnderline" = "pairing requests"; "InformationUploaded" = "Your information was uploaded on %@"; "VersionNumber" = "Version number: %@ Build: %@"; "HomeHeaderNoAction" = "COVIDSafe is active.\nNo further action is required."; "HomeHeaderPermissions" = "COVIDSafe is not active.\nCheck your permissions."; "NotificationsEnabled" = "Notifications are enabled"; "NotificationsDisabled" = "Notifications are disabled"; "NotificationsEnabledBlurb" = "You will receive a notification if COVIDSafe is not active. 
Change notification settings"; "NotificationsDisabledBlurb" = "You will not receive a notification if COVIDSafe is not active. 
Change notification settings"; "NotificationsBlurbLink" = "Change notification settings"; "ShareText" = "Join me in stopping the spread of COVID-19! Download COVIDSafe, an app from the Australian Government."; //Successful registration (OnboardingStep2B) "PointOne" = "1. When you leave home, keep your phone with you and make sure COVIDSafe is active."; "PointTwo" = "2. Bluetooth® should be kept ON."; "PointThree" = "3. COVIDSafe does not send pairing requests. Learn more."; "PointThreeUnderline" = "Learn more"; // Help Nav Controller "ReportAnIssue" = "Report an issue"; // Personal Details View Controller "Done" = "Done"; "Next" = "Next"; "ValidationError" = "Validation error"; "PostcodeValidationErrorMessage" = "Please enter a valid postcode"; //Upload Data Step 2 View Controller "UploadFailed" = "Upload failed. Please try again later."; "InvalidPIN" = "Invalid PIN, please ask the health official to send you another PIN."; "UploadFailedErrorTitle" = "Upload Failed"; "UploadFailedErrorMessage" = "Please try again later."; // Unused "WrongNumber" = "Wrong number?"; "ResendCode" = "Resend PIN"; "NotAValidCode" = "Not a valid code"; "DataUploaded" = "Data uploaded"; "DataNotUploaded" = "Data not uploaded";