LOKALISE_TOKEN=$1 lokalise2 --token $LOKALISE_TOKEN --project-id 961497065ee6ad1e440843.11368444 file download --format strings --dest ../temp --unzip-to ../temp/locales for directory in `find ../temp/locales -type d` do if [[ "$directory" == '../temp/locales' ]]; then continue fi #get the language code to match iOS naming language="$(basename "$directory")" language=${language/.lproj/} #if italian or greek remove anything after the - if [[ "$language" == 'it-IT' || "$language" == 'el-GR' ]]; then language=${language//\-[a-zA-z]*/} fi echo "parsing directory $directory" for file in `find $directory/*.strings`; do filename="$(basename "$file")" # ignore the Localizable and LaunchScreen files if [[ "$filename" == 'LaunchScreen.strings' ]]; then rm $file continue fi if [[ "$filename" == 'Localizable.strings' ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$filename" == 'InfoPlist.strings' ]]; then echo "Adding launch screen value to $language" echo -e "\"UILaunchStoryboardName\" = \"LaunchScreen_$language\";" >> $file continue fi echo "Contatenating $filename to Localizable.strings" cat "$file" >> "$directory/Localizable.strings" echo "Deleting $file" rm $file done echo "Done preparing files, starting copy" for file in `find $directory/*.strings`; do destinationFolder="../CovidSafe/$language.lproj" cp $file $destinationFolder echo "Copy files to project directory" done done rm -r ../temp/locales