"global_cancel_button_title" = "Cancel"; "global_send_button_title" = "Send"; "global_ok_button_title" = "OK"; "global_sending_indication_title" = "Sending"; "global_success_indication_title" = "Success"; // Title for prompt that user sees when opening feeback. Prompt asks user if he/she would like to send new feedback. "entryPrompt_alert_title" = "Feedback Box"; // Message for prompt that user sees when opening feeback. Prompt asks user if he/she would like to send new feedback. "entryPrompt_alert_message" = "Hello mate, how would you like to proceed?"; // Title for button that launches new feedback flow. "entryPrompt_newFeedback_button_title" = "New Feedback"; // Navigation Bar title shown during new feedback flow. "newFeedbackFlow_navigationTitle" = "Report an issue"; // Messsage shown to user asking to confirm screenshot deletion. "newFeedback_deleteScreenshotConfirmation_message" = "This screenshot will be deleted permanently."; // Delete screenshot action sheet action button title. "newFeedback_deleteScreenshot_actionTitle" = "Delete Screenshot"; // Error message displayed to users when feedback fails to send. "newFeedback_send_errorMessage" = "Error Sending Feedback"; //Error message displayed to users when feedback has empty description "newFeedback_noMessage_errorMessage" = "Tell us something before sending.";