/* InfoPlist.strings CovidSafe Copyright © 2020 Australian Government. All rights reserved. */ "BluetoothUsageDesc" = "COVIDSafe exchanges Bluetooth® signals with nearby phones running the same app. These signals contain an anonymised ID, which is encrypted and changes continually to ensure your privacy."; "NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription" = "COVIDSafe exchanges Bluetooth® signals with nearby phones running the same app. These signals contain an anonymised ID, which is encrypted and changes continually to ensure your privacy."; "NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription" = "COVIDSafe exchanges Bluetooth® signals with nearby phones running the same app. These signals contain an anonymised ID, which is encrypted and changes continually to ensure your privacy."; "NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Select ‘Always Allow’.\n\nYour location is used to send you relevant COVID-19 alerts and to optimise COVIDSafe performance.\nThese alerts will contain important information and updates for your state or territory."; "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription" = "Select ‘Always Allow’.\n\nYour location is used to send you relevant COVID-19 alerts and to optimise COVIDSafe performance.\nThese alerts will contain important information and updates for your state or territory."; "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Select ‘While Using App’.\n\nYour location is used to send you relevant COVID-19 alerts and to optimise COVIDSafe performance.\nThese alerts will contain important information and updates for your state or territory."; "UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreen_en";