2021-02-02 11:04:43 +11:00

557 lines
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// BLETransmitter.swift
// Copyright 2020 VMware, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import Foundation
import CoreBluetooth
Beacon transmitter broadcasts a fixed service UUID to enable background scan by iOS. When iOS
enters background mode, the UUID will disappear from the broadcast, so Android devices need to
search for Apple devices and then connect and discover services to read the UUID.
protocol BLETransmitter : Sensor {
Transmitter offers two services:
1. Signal characteristic for maintaining connection between iOS devices and also enable non-transmitting Android devices (receive only,
like the Samsung J6) to make their presence known by writing their beacon code and RSSI as data to this characteristic.
2. Payload characteristic for publishing beacon identity data.
Keeping the transmitter and receiver working in iOS background mode is a major challenge, in particular when both
iOS devices are in background mode. The transmitter on iOS offers a notifying beacon characteristic that is triggered
by writing anything to the characteristic. On characteristic write, the transmitter will call updateValue after 8 seconds
to notify the receivers, to wake up the receivers with a didUpdateValueFor call. The process can repeat as a loop
between the transmitter and receiver to keep both devices awake. This is unnecessary for Android-Android and also
Android-iOS and iOS-Android detection, which can rely solely on scanForPeripherals for detection.
The notification based wake up method relies on an open connection which seems to be fine for iOS but may cause
problems for Android. Experiments have found that Android devices cannot accept new connections (without explicit
disconnect) indefinitely and the bluetooth stack ceases to function after around 500 open connections. The device
will need to be rebooted to recover. However, if each connection is disconnected, the bluetooth stack can work
indefinitely, but frequent connect and disconnect can still cause the same problem. The recommendation is to
(1) always disconnect from Android as soon as the work is complete, (2) minimise the number of connections to
an Android device, and (3) maximise time interval between connections. With all these in mind, the transmitter
on Android does not support notify and also a connect is only performed on first contact to get the bacon code.
class ConcreteBLETransmitter : NSObject, BLETransmitter, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
private let logger = ConcreteSensorLogger(subsystem: "Sensor", category: "BLE.ConcreteBLETransmitter")
private var delegates: [SensorDelegate] = []
/// Dedicated sequential queue for all beacon transmitter and receiver tasks.
private let queue: DispatchQueue
private let delegateQueue: DispatchQueue
private let database: BLEDatabase
/// Beacon code generator for creating cryptographically secure public codes that can be later used for on-device matching.
private let payloadDataSupplier: PayloadDataSupplier
/// Peripheral manager for managing all connections, using a single manager for simplicity.
private var peripheral: CBPeripheralManager?
/// Beacon service and characteristics being broadcasted by the transmitter.
private var signalCharacteristic: CBMutableCharacteristic?
private var payloadCharacteristic: CBMutableCharacteristic?
private var legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic: CBMutableCharacteristic?
private var advertisingStartedAt: Date = Date.distantPast
/// Dummy data for writing to the receivers to trigger state restoration or resume from suspend state to background state.
private let emptyData = Data(repeating: 0, count: 0)
Shifting timer for triggering notify for subscribers several seconds after resume from suspend state to background state,
but before re-entering suspend state. The time limit is under 10 seconds as desribed in Apple documentation.
private var notifyTimer: DispatchSourceTimer?
/// Dedicated sequential queue for the shifting timer.
private let notifyTimerQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Sensor.BLE.ConcreteBLETransmitter.Timer")
Create a transmitter that uses the same sequential dispatch queue as the receiver.
Transmitter starts automatically when Bluetooth is enabled.
init(queue: DispatchQueue, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue, database: BLEDatabase, payloadDataSupplier: PayloadDataSupplier) {
self.queue = queue
self.delegateQueue = delegateQueue
self.database = database
self.payloadDataSupplier = payloadDataSupplier
func add(delegate: SensorDelegate) {
func start() {
// Create a peripheral that supports state restoration
if peripheral == nil {
self.peripheral = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: queue, options: [
CBPeripheralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : "Sensor.BLE.ConcreteBLETransmitter",
CBPeripheralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey : true
guard let peripheral = peripheral else {
guard peripheral.state == .poweredOn else {
logger.fault("start denied, not powered on")
if signalCharacteristic != nil, payloadCharacteristic != nil, legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic != nil {
logger.debug("starting advert with existing characteristics")
if !peripheral.isAdvertising {
startAdvertising(withNewCharacteristics: false)
} else {
queue.async {
peripheral.startAdvertising([CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey : [BLESensorConfiguration.serviceUUID]])
logger.debug("start successful, for existing characteristics")
} else {
startAdvertising(withNewCharacteristics: true)
logger.debug("start successful, for new characteristics")
signalCharacteristic?.subscribedCentrals?.forEach() { central in
// FEATURE : Symmetric connection on subscribe
_ = database.device(central.identifier.uuidString)
func stop() {
guard peripheral != nil else {
guard peripheral?.isAdvertising ?? false else {
logger.fault("stop denied, already stopped (source=%s)")
self.peripheral = nil
private func startAdvertising(withNewCharacteristics: Bool) {
logger.debug("startAdvertising (withNewCharacteristics=\(withNewCharacteristics))")
if withNewCharacteristics || signalCharacteristic == nil || payloadCharacteristic == nil || legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic == nil {
signalCharacteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: BLESensorConfiguration.iosSignalCharacteristicUUID, properties: [.write, .notify], value: nil, permissions: [.writeable])
payloadCharacteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: BLESensorConfiguration.payloadCharacteristicUUID, properties: [.read], value: nil, permissions: [.readable])
legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: BluetraceConfig.BluetoothServiceID, properties: [.read, .write, .writeWithoutResponse], value: nil, permissions: [.readable, .writeable])
let service = CBMutableService(type: BLESensorConfiguration.serviceUUID, primary: true)
signalCharacteristic?.value = nil
payloadCharacteristic?.value = nil
legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic?.value = nil
service.characteristics = [signalCharacteristic!, payloadCharacteristic!, legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic!]
queue.async {
self.peripheral?.startAdvertising([CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey : [BLESensorConfiguration.serviceUUID]])
private func stopAdvertising() {
queue.async {
self.peripheral = nil
notifyTimer = nil
/// All work starts from notify subscribers loop.
/// Generate updateValue notification after 8 seconds to notify all subscribers and keep the iOS receivers awake.
private func notifySubscribers(_ source: String) {
notifyTimer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: notifyTimerQueue)
notifyTimer?.schedule(deadline: + BLESensorConfiguration.notificationDelay)
notifyTimer?.setEventHandler { [weak self] in
guard let s = self, let logger = self?.logger, let signalCharacteristic = self?.signalCharacteristic,
let peripheral = s.peripheral else {
// Notify subscribers to keep them awake
s.queue.async {
logger.debug("notifySubscribers (source=\(source))")
peripheral.updateValue(s.emptyData, for: signalCharacteristic, onSubscribedCentrals: nil)
// Restart advert if required
let advertUpTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(s.advertisingStartedAt)
if peripheral.isAdvertising && advertUpTime > BLESensorConfiguration.advertRestartTimeInterval {
logger.debug("advertRestart (upTime=\(advertUpTime))")
s.startAdvertising(withNewCharacteristics: true)
// MARK:- CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
/// Restore advert and reinstate advertised characteristics.
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, willRestoreState dict: [String : Any]) {
self.peripheral = peripheral
peripheral.delegate = self
if let services = dict[CBPeripheralManagerRestoredStateServicesKey] as? [CBMutableService] {
for service in services {
logger.debug("willRestoreState (service=\(service.uuid.uuidString))")
if let characteristics = service.characteristics {
for characteristic in characteristics {
logger.debug("willRestoreState (characteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
switch characteristic.uuid {
case BLESensorConfiguration.androidSignalCharacteristicUUID:
if let mutableCharacteristic = characteristic as? CBMutableCharacteristic {
signalCharacteristic = mutableCharacteristic
logger.debug("willRestoreState (androidSignalCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
} else {
logger.fault("willRestoreState characteristic not mutable (androidSignalCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
case BLESensorConfiguration.iosSignalCharacteristicUUID:
if let mutableCharacteristic = characteristic as? CBMutableCharacteristic {
signalCharacteristic = mutableCharacteristic
logger.debug("willRestoreState (iosSignalCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
} else {
logger.fault("willRestoreState characteristic not mutable (iosSignalCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
case BLESensorConfiguration.payloadCharacteristicUUID:
if let mutableCharacteristic = characteristic as? CBMutableCharacteristic {
payloadCharacteristic = mutableCharacteristic
logger.debug("willRestoreState (payloadCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
} else {
logger.fault("willRestoreState characteristic not mutable (payloadCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
logger.debug("willRestoreState (unknownCharacteristic=\(characteristic.uuid.uuidString))")
/// Start advertising on bluetooth power on.
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
// Bluetooth on -> Advertise
if (peripheral.state == .poweredOn) {
logger.debug("Update state (state=poweredOn)")
} else {
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
logger.debug("Update state (state=\(peripheral.state.description))")
} else {
// Required to support iOS 9.3
switch peripheral.state {
case .poweredOff:
logger.debug("Update state (state=poweredOff)")
case .poweredOn:
logger.debug("Update state (state=poweredOn)")
case .resetting:
logger.debug("Update state (state=resetting)")
case .unauthorized:
logger.debug("Update state (state=unauthorized)")
case .unknown:
logger.debug("Update state (state=unknown)")
case .unsupported:
logger.debug("Update state (state=unsupported)")
logger.debug("Update state (state=undefined)")
func peripheralManagerDidStartAdvertising(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, error: Error?) {
logger.debug("peripheralManagerDidStartAdvertising (error=\(String(describing: error)))")
if error == nil {
advertisingStartedAt = Date()
Write request offers a mechanism for non-transmitting BLE devices (e.g. Samsung J6 can only receive) to make
its presence known by submitting its beacon code and RSSI as data. This also offers a mechanism for iOS to
write blank data to transmitter to keep bringing it back from suspended state to background state which increases
its chance of background scanning over a long period without being killed off. Payload sharing is also based on
write characteristic to enable Android peers to act as a bridge for sharing iOS device payloads, thus enabling
iOS - iOS background detection without location permission or screen on, as background detection and tracking method.
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveWrite requests: [CBATTRequest]) {
// Write -> Notify delegates -> Write response -> Notify subscribers
for request in requests {
let targetIdentifier = TargetIdentifier(central: request.central)
// FEATURE : Symmetric connection on write
let targetDevice = database.device(targetIdentifier)
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier))")
if let data = request.value {
guard request.characteristic.uuid != legacyCovidPayloadCharacteristic?.uuid else {
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writeLegacyCovidPayload)")
// we don't do anything with the payload.
// Herald relies only on reads. Therefore when legacy writes we ignore.
// However, to maintain legacy data as expected, payload is still written after read.
// See BLEReceiver writeLegacyPayload
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success) }
if data.count == 0 {
// Receiver writes blank data on detection of transmitter to bring iOS transmitter back from suspended state
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=wakeTransmitter)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success) }
} else if let actionCode = data.uint8(0) {
switch actionCode {
case BLESensorConfiguration.signalCharacteristicActionWritePayload:
// Receive-only Android device writing its payload to make its presence known
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayload)")
// writePayload data format
// 0-0 : actionCode
// 1-2 : payload data count in bytes (Int16)
// 3.. : payload data
if let payloadDataCount = data.int16(1) {
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite -> didDetect=\(targetIdentifier)")
delegateQueue.async {
self.delegates.forEach { $0.sensor(.BLE, didDetect: targetIdentifier) }
if data.count == (3 + payloadDataCount) {
let payloadData = PayloadData(data.subdata(in: 3..<data.count))
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite -> didRead=\(payloadData.shortName),fromTarget=\(targetIdentifier)")
targetDevice.operatingSystem = .android
targetDevice.receiveOnly = true
targetDevice.payloadData = payloadData
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success) }
} else {
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite, invalid payload (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayload)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
} else {
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite, invalid request (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayload)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
case BLESensorConfiguration.signalCharacteristicActionWriteRSSI:
// Receive-only Android device writing its RSSI to make its proximity known
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writeRSSI)")
// writeRSSI data format
// 0-0 : actionCode
// 1-2 : rssi value (Int16)
if let rssi = data.int16(1) {
let proximity = Proximity(unit: .RSSI, value: Double(rssi))
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite -> didMeasure=\(proximity.description),fromTarget=\(targetIdentifier)")
targetDevice.operatingSystem = .android
targetDevice.receiveOnly = true
targetDevice.rssi = BLE_RSSI(rssi)
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success) }
} else {
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite, invalid request (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writeRSSI)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
case BLESensorConfiguration.signalCharacteristicActionWritePayloadSharing:
// Android device sharing detected iOS devices with this iOS device to enable background detection
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayloadSharing)")
// writePayloadSharing data format
// 0-0 : actionCode
// 1-2 : rssi value (Int16)
// 3-4 : payload sharing data count in bytes (Int16)
// 5.. : payload sharing data (to be parsed by payload data supplier)
if let rssi = data.int16(1), let payloadDataCount = data.int16(3) {
// skip if a payload with length 0 is sent
if data.count == (5 + payloadDataCount) && payloadDataCount > 0 {
let payloadSharingData = payloadDataSupplier.payload(data.subdata(in: 5..<data.count))
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite -> didShare=\(payloadSharingData.description),fromTarget=\(targetIdentifier)")
let proximity = Proximity(unit: .RSSI, value: Double(rssi))
var filteredPayloadSharingData: [PayloadData]
if let cachedPayload = EncounterMessageManager.shared.getLastKnownAdvertisementPayload(identifier: request.central.identifier) {
// check that the shared data is not the data sent to devices we are receiving from and it does not exist already
filteredPayloadSharingData = payloadSharingData.filter({ (dataToCheck) -> Bool in
return dataToCheck != cachedPayload && !self.database.hasDevice(dataToCheck)
} else {
// check that it does not exist already
filteredPayloadSharingData = payloadSharingData.filter({ (dataToCheck) -> Bool in
return !self.database.hasDevice(dataToCheck)
self.logger.debug("didReceiveWrite -> filtered didShare=\(filteredPayloadSharingData.description),fromTarget=\(targetIdentifier)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success) }
targetDevice.operatingSystem = .android
targetDevice.rssi = BLE_RSSI(rssi)
filteredPayloadSharingData.forEach() { payloadData in
logger.debug("didReceiveWrite, storing device with shared payload=\(payloadData.shortName)")
let sharedDevice = self.database.device(payloadData)
if sharedDevice.operatingSystem == .unknown {
sharedDevice.operatingSystem = .shared
sharedDevice.rssi = BLE_RSSI(rssi)
self.delegateQueue.async {
self.delegates.forEach {
$0.sensor(.BLE, didShare: filteredPayloadSharingData, fromTarget: sharedDevice.identifier, atProximity: proximity)
} else {
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite, invalid payload (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayloadSharing)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
} else {
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite, invalid request (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=writePayloadSharing)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
logger.fault("didReceiveWrite (central=\(targetIdentifier),action=unknown,actionCode=\(actionCode))")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
} else {
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidAttributeValueLength) }
/// Read request from central for obtaining payload data from this peripheral.
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, didReceiveRead request: CBATTRequest) {
// Read -> Notify subscribers
let central = database.device(TargetIdentifier(request.central.identifier.uuidString))
switch request.characteristic.uuid {
case BLESensorConfiguration.payloadCharacteristicUUID, BLESensorConfiguration.legacyCovidsafePayloadCharacteristicUUID:
logger.debug("Read received (central=\(central.description),characteristic=payload,offset=\(request.offset))")
offset: request.offset) { [self] (payloadData) in
queue.async {
guard let data = payloadData else {
peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .unlikelyError)
logger.debug("Read received (central=\(central.description),characteristic=\(request.characteristic.uuid),payload=\(data.shortName))")
guard request.offset < data.count else {
logger.fault("Read, invalid offset (central=\(central.description),characteristic=payload,offset=\(request.offset),data=\(data.count))")
peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .invalidOffset)
guard request.offset != data.count else {
// the receiver already read all the data in its last read request
peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success)
request.value = (request.offset == 0 ? data : data.subdata(in: request.offset..<data.count))
peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .success)
logger.fault("Read (central=\(central.description),characteristic=unknown)")
queue.async { peripheral.respond(to: request, withResult: .requestNotSupported) }
/// Another iOS central has subscribed to this iOS peripheral, implying the central is also a peripheral for this device to connect to.
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
// Subscribe -> Notify subscribers
// iOS receiver subscribes to the signal characteristic on first contact. This ensures the first call keeps
// the transmitter and receiver awake. Future loops will rely on didReceiveWrite as the trigger.
logger.debug("Subscribe (central=\(central.identifier.uuidString))")
// FEATURE : Symmetric connection on subscribe
_ = database.device(central.identifier.uuidString)
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didUnsubscribeFrom characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
// Unsubscribe -> Notify subscribers
logger.debug("Unsubscribe (central=\(central.identifier.uuidString))")
// FEATURE : Symmetric connection on unsubscribe
_ = database.device(central.identifier.uuidString)
extension Data {
/// Get Int8 from byte array (little-endian).
func int8(_ index: Int) -> Int8? {
guard let value = uint8(index) else {
return nil
return Int8(bitPattern: value)
/// Get UInt8 from byte array (little-endian).
func uint8(_ index: Int) -> UInt8? {
let bytes = [UInt8](self)
guard index < bytes.count else {
return nil
return bytes[index]
/// Get Int16 from byte array (little-endian).
func int16(_ index: Int) -> Int16? {
guard let value = uint16(index) else {
return nil
return Int16(bitPattern: value)
/// Get UInt16 from byte array (little-endian).
func uint16(_ index: Int) -> UInt16? {
let bytes = [UInt8](self)
guard index < (bytes.count - 1) else {
return nil
return UInt16(bytes[index]) |
UInt16(bytes[index + 1]) << 8
/// Get Int32 from byte array (little-endian).
func int32(_ index: Int) -> Int32? {
guard let value = uint32(index) else {
return nil
return Int32(bitPattern: value)
/// Get UInt32 from byte array (little-endian).
func uint32(_ index: Int) -> UInt32? {
let bytes = [UInt8](self)
guard index < (bytes.count - 3) else {
return nil
return UInt32(bytes[index]) |
UInt32(bytes[index + 1]) << 8 |
UInt32(bytes[index + 2]) << 16 |
UInt32(bytes[index + 3]) << 24
/// Get Int64 from byte array (little-endian).
func int64(_ index: Int) -> Int64? {
guard let value = uint64(index) else {
return nil
return Int64(bitPattern: value)
/// Get UInt64 from byte array (little-endian).
func uint64(_ index: Int) -> UInt64? {
let bytes = [UInt8](self)
guard index < (bytes.count - 7) else {
return nil
return UInt64(bytes[index]) |
UInt64(bytes[index + 1]) << 8 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 2]) << 16 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 3]) << 24 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 4]) << 32 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 5]) << 40 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 6]) << 48 |
UInt64(bytes[index + 7]) << 56